Yakoruda Lakes are a group of 3 glacial lakes in the eastern part of the Rila Mountains.
They are located between the peak “Kovach” (2634 m) to the west and the peak “Suha Vapa” (2639 m) to the north. The highest and the smallest is the Blue Lake with an area of 8.6 ha and a semicircular shape. The Dead Lake is the largest and deepest of the lakes located in the Yakoruda Circus. Dead Lake is fed artificially with trout but every 5 years, gas is erupting.
The two lakes, through separate streams, flow into the Fish Lake, which leads to the Great Beniensa River, a tributary of the Bela Mesta. In the southeastern part of the lake a partition wall is built, that causes its level and area to increase. Yakoruda Lakes are a preferred destination for tourists.
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- Accessibility: Bus, car, narrow-gauge, bicycle, pedestrian Inaccessible for visitors with mobility limitations. Parking- free.
- Coordinates: 42°06'32.0"N 23°35'00.0"E (Синьото езеро), 42°06'05.0"N 23°34'52.0"E (Мъртвото езеро)
- Note: Source: https://bg.wikipedia.org/wiki/
- Opening time: Free access.