The city park is a favorite place for recreation, sports and entertainment for residents and guests of the city.
The city’s mineral water pool is also located in the park. The park was renovated and offers attractive facilities and playgrounds for children, tennis and basketball courts, outdoor gym, football field with artificial surface, a ramp for skateboarding and bicycles, walking paths, outdoor barbecue and parking. The park also goes to the city’s mineral pool.
Renovated under a project under the Bulgaria – Macedonia Cross – Border Cooperation Program 2007 – 2013
More Information
- Services: Free access to all sports areas and attractions for adults and children.
- Accessibility: Bus, car, train, bicycle, pedestrian. Accessible for visitors with mobility limitations. Parking- free.
- Coordinates: 41°53'10.1"N 23°06'20.5"E
- Note: Source:
- Opening time: Free access
- Seasonality Spring, Summer, and Autumn